Payment Methods
Credit Cards and PayPal
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover via PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to pay us by credit card. Please download step-by-step PayPal instructions in pdf file format below.
Just click on the Paypal button "Buy Now" above or at the top of right sidebar, and you will be redirected to PayPal's secure payment page for our agency. If you do not have Paypal acount, you can click "No Paypal Account" to be taken to regular credit card processing page. Using our Canadian fees or quote received for U.S. services, fill out your contact details (billing/shipping address), credit card information, description of services and the amount. We do not see/store your credit card information as it is all securely handled by PayPal. Click "update" button on PayPal's page to update your information or number of items.
After you complete payment, you will be directed back to our page with your receipt sent to you by email.
Canada Legalization Services accepts Interac e-transfers
To pay by Interac e-transfer is super-easy and takes 1-3 minutes even if you have never done it before. this payment option is most cost effective for you as you do not pay the PayPal fee. You do not have to waste your time driving through rush-hour traffic to the bank, waiting in line and at the counter for bank officer to complete your request.
All you need to have is:
Access to your Canadian online banking
The email address handy as you will need it during the transfer.
Just find the link/button on your bank's website for Interac e-transfer and after that it is all self-explanatory. You will have to input the above email address and generate a password/answer to secret question. This email: is tied up to our RBC Bank account and register for Autodeposit. So your funds would be deposited to the account automatically. After successful deposit you will see this company name: GOLD CARP INC that is owner of Canada Legalization Services® Trademark®.
For password/answer to secret question, you can choose any combination of letters or numbers but please do not forget to send us the 2nd email with that combination.
After the funds are sent, we will get the 1st email notifying us about the pending transfer with request to input the password/answer to secret question.
Please use the email to send us an email with the password/answer to secret question
For more information about Interac e-transfers, please visit this link or the respective link on your banking institution website.
Canada Legalization Services also accepts wire transfers
Please contact us to obtain wire transfer bank details. For security reasons we had to remove this information from the website.
Questions or Problems?
Sorry but no cash, but company/personal cheques and bank drafts (money orders) are accepted.
If you have any problems or questions about our Payment Methods, please contact us without hesitation.
After we receive and review your documents including payment, we will issue the invoice/receipt for the funds paid and immediately let you know the expected date of completion.
Until we complete our service, you will get regular status updates (by email or phone) or you can contact us at any time to ask any question.
Thank you in advance for your business!